Spiritual Formation

The mission of our Children and Family Ministry is to help our youngest members learn how to love our neighbors by practicing the love that Jesus taught us through the scripture. Our hope is to provide FPC kids with the foundation to be lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.

Lead by our Director of Children and Family Ministry, Katie Kindig, faith formation opportunities include toddler and preschool, through sixth grade. All programming is cohesive, specific to age as volunteer teachers adapt to each child’s needs for the most successful learning environment.



Children and Family Ministry

Katie Sina Kindig

Katie Sina Kindig

Director of Family Ministry

Katie Kindig is our Director of Family ministries. Her degree in Fine Arts is a unique gift to our program. She blends a vibrant energy and imagination with a compassionate love for children and youth. Our parents appreciate Katie’s weekly communication that keep us all informed of this dynamic ministry.


6 weeks – 4 years
Second Floor, open 9am – 11:30am
Professional Staff
Nursery students engage in free-play, a short Scripture lesson and organized activity time.
We ask that you assist with your student’s hand-washing upon arrival. We have hand sanitizer stations as well.
A nut-free snack is provided. Please bring a labeled water bottle and alternative snacks if needed. A changing table, with quiet room are also available.

Worship Arts Faith Formation Time

(There is no Worship Arts on the first Sunday of each month – families are encouraged to worship together on communion Sundays)

4yrs up to and including 6th Grade
Students begin worship in Shirk Hall (9:00am) OR
the sanctuary (10:30am) with their families.
Teachers will escort students who wish to participate in Worship Arts to the upper level following the
“Worship Arts Blessing.”

Parents attending the 9am service – children will be escorted back to you before the end of the

Parents attending the 10:30 service – pick up students in the Sanctuary hallway adjacent to the Cafe,
immediately following the worship service (approx. 11:30am)

Youth Group

(Sept. – May) Noon-1pm at FPC –  For all 7th – 12th graders and youth volunteer teachers. Lunch provided (bring 2$).


Health Reminder: if your student has experienced a fever with in 24 Hours of Sunday or are symptomatic, please choose to worship at home for the protection of their friends.

Small Groups

First Followers is a year-long practical study of the process of becoming your best self for the world. This is what it means to be formed into the likeness of Christ for the sake of others. The journey takes participants through an exploration of their personal God-narratives, the work of the Spirit, spiritual practices, and community. Through the process participants learn how the ancient ways wedded to the Jesus truth yields the abundant life.

Participants practice reading, reflection, gathering monthly for a shared meal and participation in two retreats together over the course of a year. The curriculum shepherds participants through four phases focused on: Narrative, Yielding, Practice and Community. First Followers communities begin every six months, typically in August and January of each year. More info and registration HERE.

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