9:00am in Shirk Hall with Praise Band (Cherry Street entrance)
10:30am in the Sanctuary with Organ & Choir (Orange or Grant Street entrance)
The 10:30am Sunday worship service may be viewed on YouTube and on Lancaster Community TV airing on Comcast Channel 66 at 1pm (Sundays).
Building Hours: Open to the public Sunday mornings – 8:30am – 1pm AND Mon.-Thurs. 9am – 2pm by appointment
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First Presbyterian Church of Lancaster
Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Lancaster, Pa., where people have gathered to connected with God and each other since before the Revolutionary War. Today we are a congregation of 600, looking to renew our lives in Christ, serve our neighbors together, and worship a God who we believe is bigger than any challenge our world will ever face. Please watch the Envisioning Our Future video to learn more about the church we are becoming together.
If you are looking for a new church home, or perhaps considering church for the first time, we invite you to join us for worship. Online church and In-person worship options are listed here.
Weekly Spiritual Formation classes and activities are also offered for all age groups.
Lead by the teaching of Jesus Christ, First Presbyterian is a church where we joyfully care for one another and serve together in our city and in the world. We’re glad you’re here. Please come back to check us out from time to time. Blessings!
Coming Up